An optional JSON-LD Context for the query. Use of a query-specific Context is rarely required, as the context is typically the local application, whose needs are specified by the local clone configuration.
Specifies a single Variable or Iri to return. Each matched value for the identified variable will be output as a Subject with its top-level properties.
The data pattern to match, as a set of subjects or a group. Variables are used as placeholders to capture matching properties and values in the domain.
Match a subject by its @id
"@where": { "@id": "fred" }
Match a subject where any property has a given value
"@where": {
"@id": "?id",
"?prop": "Bedrock"
Match a subject with a given property, having any value
"@where": {
"@id": "?id",
"name": "?name"
The Javascript engine supports filters for subject identities, properties and values, including inline filters.
Generated using TypeDoc. Delivered by Vercel. @m-ld/m-ld - v0.10.1-edge.2 Source code licensed MIT. Privacy policy
A simple means to get the properties of a specific subject, or a set of subjects matching some
Describe a specific subject whose
{ "@describe": "fred" }
Describe all subjects in the domain
{ "@describe": "?id", "@where": { "@id": "?id" } }
Describe subjects with a property
{ "@describe": "?id", "@where": { "@id": "?id", "age": 40 } }
Describe all subjects referenced by
via any property{ "@describe": "?id", "@where": { "@id": "fred", "?prop": { "@id": "?id" } } }
See the
property for more examples of how to use a where clause.json-rql describe